"Fit cells, fit body"

I am currently in private clinical practice providing licensed specialty care to clients with medical or surgical conditions (orthopedic, neuro, complex medical) that result in the decline of physical and functional performance. My practice is differentiated by the utilization of combined Western and Alternative medicine techniques, within my scope of practice as a licensed clinician, in the management and treatment of physical performance decline while in compliance with the medical physician's plan-of-care.

Modalities and techniques include: comprehensive manual therapy/graded joint mobilization, low level-light therapy, tissue disruption/remodeling therapy & modalities, functional and athletic supportive taping, electro-physiologic therapeutic modalities, proprioceptive neuro-techniques, specific functional soft-tissue mobilization/release as well as individualized physical agility/conditioning program development.

I have been in licensed clinical practice since October 1995.  I started my professional career as a licensed physical therapist in California.  I have also earned a Doctorate degree in the field of Complementary and Alternative Medicine.

My professional philosophy is that fitness begins at a cellular level.

I influence this philosophy's forward momentum by applying my scope of practice as a licensed clinician who combines evidence-based Western and Alternative medicine methods to achieve a HEALTH to FITNESS outcome.

"Your body is the synergy of individual cells. Fit cells, fit organ systems, fit body,"
James D.
